Once you’ve done enough hiking on Vancouver Island, you will realize that most of the great hiking requires that you drive down a section of industrial gravel road. And that’s if you’re lucky; a good number of these places require walking stretches of road as well. Mount Mitchell is one …
Steamboat Mountain via the Zipline
Steamboat Mountain rises prominently on the north side of Highway Four; you may have spotted the prow, a feature on the east end of the summit ridge, on a drive to Tofino. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like up there, it’s incredible! It’s also a problem that took me …
Pamela Creek Horseshoe: A Failure on Ms. Mountain
In the early days of writing this blog, I tried to document all my trips. It was a near-impossible task that offered little route information to the community, even if it did frequently highlight my inexperience and buffoonery. It was exhausting and often frustrating, especially when, inevitably, I couldn’t keep …
A Traverse in Strathcona Park: Wolf & Puzzle Mountains with a Circumnavigation of Volcano Lake
View PostTahsis Mountain via the South Ridge
Impossible to tell left from right, I relied on the weight of my body to push a course through, or duck under the branches. Within an hour we…
#tripreport #islandmountainramblers #alpine #mountaineering
Pickering, Carter, Landale — North & South
Carter Peak Like many people, I consider May Long Weekend the kick-off to summer. The extra day tagged onto the weekend makes trips further afield possible, and the lengthening days and few extra degrees mean that many people are looking for their first overnight trips of the season. This year, …
Tahsis Mountain : Ramsay’s Route
This trip report is sure to raise some conversation among island mountaineers as to which peak is the real Tahsis Mountain. It
s also the day Ramsay recalled the route being “not that bushy”
Santiago Mountian: A Vertical Bushwack
Santiago Mountain rises from the shores of Tahsis Inlet on the west coast of Vancouver Island. From its summit, you can see some of the best views of Nootka Island, Tahsis Inlet, and some of the island’s most prominent peaks. Yet, for all its selling points, Santiago Mountain sees very …
Keeha Bay Family Backpacking Trip
In recent years, it’s become part of my New Year’s ritual to sit down and plan a year of adventure. It does take some finger-crossing, regarding annual precipitation and seasonal snow, but I’d rather do that than miss out on a chance to get out of the house. This year, …