Springer Peak wasn’t our first objective for the day, but when I took over leading the trip, I felt that the snow conditions were too questionable to continue with our original objective. When I suggested using Bill’s Trail, a section of the route used for the annual Kusam Klimb race, …
Snowshoeing on Mount Milner
The name “Mount Milner” is unfamiliar to most Vancouver Island hikers. Hidden deep in the Prince of Wales Range, it’s not a well-known mountain. The rocky peak sits high above the connecting ridge that forms the Prince of Wales Range, and is only visible from deep in the valleys, from …
Family Day weekend adventure to Stowe Peak.
Is there a difference between hiking and camping for three days, versus doing three hikes in three days? It sure feels like there is. For Family Day weekend 2016, I ventured out on three day-trips, each with a different group of friends. The first trip was a beginner/family snowshoe around …
Springer Peak via Bill’s Trail
The many peaks in the Prince of Wales Range feature some of the greatest views of the Johnstone Strait; the distant peaks to both the east and west aren’t too hard on the eyes either. If you haven’t had a chance to hike in the region yet, I urge you …
H’Kusam Mountain via the Stowe Creek Trail
I’m the classic weekend warrior. I only have one day a week to get out and make mountaineering magic happen. Though there is a ridiculous number of opportunities on Vancouver Island for outdoor adventure, Phil and I are exhausting the climbs that are possible to do as day hikes. Phil …
Climbing Mount Kitchener and the High Point on the Ridge
I hope you are confused by the title of this post. I’m sure you are asking yourself, “Isn’t the summit the high point?” In most cases, the answer is yes! However, on Vancouver Island the answer is probably “Who knows?” The more I hike and climb, the more I am …