Family Snowshoe Trip

In Activity, Family, Island Mountain Ramblers, Snowshoeing, Strathcona Regional District by ExploringtonLeave a Comment

On Saturday, March 14, I led a small group on a snowshoe trip to Lake Helen Mackenzie. It was two families, me with my two children, and Jes with his son Trace. It was Hemingway’s first-time wearing snowshoes to walk, even though the conditions didn’t require it. We had very sunny conditions but cold air that kept the snow very dry and the sky clear.

Leaving our lunch-spot behind

We followed the summer route at a six-year-olds pace, Octavia hanging onto the sled top as took our time wandering the well-booted path toward Lake Helen Mackenzie. We made it about halfway to the lake before we took our first extended break. Hemi kicked his snowshoes off here, and with lighter feet, we made the lake in good time.

the short lived snowshoes on Hemingway’s feet

The sun blazed down while we ate lunch, but the air was still frigid. While I was making good on my promise to make hot chocolate for the group, the two boys used my shovel to dig a hole to the slush sitting above the ice. Sure enough, eventually, Hemingway came screaming at me for help. While playing in the hole, he was surprised to discover one of his boots submerged and quickly filled with slush—plastic bag to the rescue!

When we finished lunch and ready to leave, Octavia was good and cold. She was eager to tuck into the warmth of the sled. While she napped, the rest of us enjoyed the route as it crossed Battleship Lake and back to the car.

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